"Every year, up to 120 young people start training in therapy and care professions at the Heimerer schools in Torgau. What makes Heimerer so successful?
Answers can be found at the open day and in an online article in the Torgauer Zeitung newspaper from 7 March 2024.
To introduce you to our school, we cordially invite you to an open day at our Torgau school on 16 March 2024 from 09:30 - 13:00 .
Where: Schloßstraße 26, 04860 Torgau
We also offer you the opportunity to attend an introductory day. After making a brief appointment by telephone (03421 7287-0) or by e-mail (torgau@heimerer.de), you can come by at any time and experience a day at our school.