Pflegefachhilfe Ausbildung München
Pflegefachhilfe Ausbildung München
Pflegefachhilfe Ausbildung München

Nursing assistant training in Munich?
My start in the profession!

Are you looking for a secure apprenticeship that will enable you to enter the social and healthcare sector and offer you great prospects for the future? Then training as a care assistant at Heimerer in Munich is the right thing for you!

  • largest school for geriatric care in Bavaria
  • "Multi-cultural" school
  • individualised support
  • located in the immediate vicinity of Munich Central Station

to the admission requirements

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Training/Retraining, Full-time, 1 Jahr

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This is my nursing assistant training at Heimerer in Munich

The Heimerer School Munich is the largest vocational school for nursing in Bavaria. The facilities are correspondingly good. Bright classrooms with whiteboards and modern technology make learning easy for you. You can relax and exchange experiences with your classmates in the lovely break-time bistro. Every pupil is supported according to their knowledge.

Professional and socially competent

The teachers, who are also active in the in-house nursing training programme or in healthcare and nursing, have a high level of professional qualification. Their aim is to provide comprehensive support until the students complete their training. The family atmosphere and the cohesion of the students characterise the nursing assistant training. Another advantage of the vocational school for geriatric nursing assistants is its central location near Munich Central Station. This means you can reach the school quickly and save time.

Nursing assistant training - my start in the profession! A look into the future...

The nursing assistant training programme also gives you the opportunity to start training as a nursing assistant and thus a career in the field of nursing! The social and healthcare sector is suffering from a massive shortage of skilled labour. And this shortage will continue to increase due to the rising number of elderly people in need of care. With an apprenticeship as a care assistant, you have good prospects of a secure job. What's more, you can work from any location , as geriatric care institutions are everywhere. Further training programmes (e.g. at the Heimerer Academy) will help you to familiarise yourself with new subject areas.

Building the future together

We look forward to seeing you

Heimerer München - Physiotherapie Kaufmännische Leitung - Diana Rühlemann
Site management

Diana Rühlemann

Vincent Benz

Vincent Benz

Karina König

Karina König

Anna Stelzpflug
Office management

Anna Stelzpflug

Seren Üclertopragi
Office management

Seren Üclertopragi


Building the future together

School location Munich

You can learn the Nursing assistant (geriatric care) profession here

Next dates 01.09.202501.09.202501.09.202501.09.2025
Info about the school

Other professions that you can learn at our school in Munich

Recognition of health and nursing care

Occupational therapy


Nursing specialist


Socio-educational introductory year (SEJ)

Do you have any questions for us? Just get in touch!

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