Social assistance training in Döbeln
Social assistance training in Döbeln
Social assistance training in Döbeln

Social assistance training in Döbeln?
Social work!

Would you like to work with people? Start your training as a social assistant in Döbeln!

  • wide range of training programmes in the social sector
  • strong practical orientation through co-operation
  • qualified teaching staff
  • Residential home with 30 places in Döbeln

to the entry requirements

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Training/Retraining, Full-time, 2 Jahre

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Training as a social assistant in Döbeln? Create prospects - for yourself and others!

Are you a practicalperson who would like to work with people? Then a social assistant training programme at Heimerer in Döbeln is the right thing for you!

  • teachers with experience in social work
  • wide range of training programmes for social professions
  • Practical orientation through numerous co-operations
  • good accessibility due to a central location

This is my training as a social assistant at Heimerer in Döbeln

The social assistant training programme joins the wide range of social care professions on offer in Döbeln. This means that the path into the social care sector is open to all interested parties - depending on previous training and interests.

Heimerer's experience as an education provider in the social professions is also reflected in its highly qualified teaching staff and modern teaching methods. The open communication between school administration, teachers and students creates the best conditions for a successful training programme!

After completing your training, the vocational school in Döbeln offers you many opportunitiesfor further qualification, for example you can go on to train as a carer, educator or curative educator.

Döbeln is your location for qualified training in the social services sector.

The vocational school for social work in Döbeln is equipped to an above-average standard. There is a Snoezelen room and a sauna. Bright and friendly classrooms offer optimal conditions for learning. Our school also offers a dormitory with 36 places to rent. The school's central location ensures good accessibility by public transport.

Long-standing cooperation partnerships between the vocational school and its practice partners provide you with good opportunities for work placements. The transfer of theoretical to practical knowledge outside the school is supervised by the teachers and thus optimally supported.

Training as a social assistant - get started in social professions!

Your options for starting a career in the social sector are almost unlimited. As a social assistant, you willlook after and support people in need. Whether you prefer to work with children and young people or older people - there are numerous jobs in every area. The demand for social care specialistsis high. You will find exciting fields of work in residential groups, facilities for the disabled, residential and nursing homes or nurseries.

Further career opportunities open up with training as an educator or curative educator, which you can complete here at the schooldirectly after completing your training as a social assistant, for example. This will further qualify you to work with children and young people or people with disabilities.

You can also deepen your knowledge with further training (e.g. at the Heimerer Academy) and continue your education in the areas of geriatric and nursing care or home and family care. As a social assistant, you will lay the foundations for a wide range of careers in social care!

Building the future together

We look forward to seeing you

Anja Henschel
Headmistress / Subject leader

Anja Henschel

Kristin Süß
Subject leader

Kristin Süß

Fränze Laschet
Office management

Fränze Laschet

Kerstin Seifert
Office management

Kerstin Seifert

3D tour through our school - House 1

3D tour through our school - House 2

School location Döbeln

Building the future together

You can learn the Social assistance profession here

Next dates 11.08.202511.08.202511.08.2025
Info about the school

Other professions that you can learn at our school in Döbeln

Nursing assistance

Nursing specialist



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